bobnclaud 14th February 2012

The Villages Writers group met twice each month at Betty’s house. I joined in early 2005. I didn’t know any of the members then, but shortly after I joined, Betty whispered that she had made a pot of soup and wanted Vera and me to stay for lunch. I love soup…except that I never eat split pea. Wouldn’t you know it…that’s the very soup Betty had made! We chatted and laughed together over that impromptu lunch and the three of us became good friends. Her soup was delicious! To this day I don’t know whether Betty was an incredible cook or if our new friendship flavored that soup to perfection. All I know is…whenever I eat split pea soup now, it doesn’t quite meet up to Betty’s standards, but it tastes much better when I’m thinking about her. I miss you, Betty. Sweet dreams…Claudia Nicolai