lnscott1 14th February 2012

I’ve know Betty since I was in middle school. My brothers and I were friend with her youngest son Duff. It felt, at times, like Duff was our fourth brother. I always thought the Betty was the coolest mom. She always made sure we were well fed, and we could run around the property as much as we liked. Duff even had a horse for a while and we thought that was really cool. As we were growing up, Betty was like a second mother to me. As I’ve grown up, Duff has remained one of my oldest friends and Betty has been a constant in my life. Betty officiated at the wedding of my oldest brother, Tom and his wife Carrie. She officiated at the wedding of our friend Chuck and his wife Jan. Twelve years ago, she officiated at my wedding to my wife Lisa. Betty got the biggest kick out of marring the boys who so long ago played in her pool and ran roughshod over her property. While I haven’t been able to see Betty in the past few years, I have always kept up with how she was through her son Duff. I was sorry to hear about her passing today. I’m filled with memories of childhood where Betty is such a central figure. While I will miss her, I feel sure that she must be in a better place where she can be happy. May she rest in peace.